Dynamics, Shielding and Line Formation in Accretion Disk Winds from Active Galactic Nuclei

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Session 40 -- Numerical Techniques and Models
Display presentation, Tuesday, 10, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[40.03] Dynamics, Shielding and Line Formation in Accretion Disk Winds from Active Galactic Nuclei

N. Murray, J. Chiang, S. A. Grossman (CITA), G. M. Voit (Johns Hopkins Univ.)

We present a model for radiation-driven winds from accretion disks in active galactic nuclei. In particular, we discuss how X-ray shielding allows resonance-line radiation pressure to accelerate these winds to high velocities. Because the shielding gas blocks X-rays but transmits EUV radiation, these winds are similar to line-driven winds from O stars. We also present preliminary calculations of the absorption and emission line profiles expected from such a disk wind. This model provides explanations for a variety of observational conundrums: the predicted fraction of QSOs with BALs is $\sim 10$\%, the predicted BAL velocity widths are typically $\sim 10,000 \, {\rm km \, s^{-1}}$, and BALs should be rare or absent in radio-loud quasars and other AGNs with hard, bright X-ray spectra.

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