Self-Consistent Models for Radiation-Dominated Shocks with Sources

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Session 40 -- Numerical Techniques and Models
Display presentation, Tuesday, 10, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[40.04] Self-Consistent Models for Radiation-Dominated Shocks with Sources

Peter A. Becker (George Mason University)

In this paper, we examine the dynamical consequences of the presence \break of a monochromatic source of radiation located at the sonic point of a plane-parallel, radiation-dominated shock. The energy source does not modify the upstream part of the flow because that region is supersonic. However, the dynamics of the downstream gas can be strongly affected by the source. For example, in the strong-source limit, the Mach number approaches unity everywhere in the downstream region, and the flow is therefore not transonic. In addition to considering the dynamical consequences of the energy source, we also self-consistently calculate the spectrum of the monochromatic photons injected at the source as they diffuse throughout the flow. The results indicate that in a strong shock, the injected photons gain substantial energy at the expense of the kinetic energy of the upstream gas, as expected. We also examine the dependence of the spectral index of the transmitted spectrum on the properties of the source.

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