The Tully-Fisher Relation and Redshift-Space Artifacts

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Session 40 -- Numerical Techniques and Models
Display presentation, Tuesday, 10, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[40.07] The Tully-Fisher Relation and Redshift-Space Artifacts

Elizabeth A. Praton \& Lucy Flesch (Beloit College)

We investigate the dispersion which would be introduced into the Tully-Fisher distance indicator relation if a redshift-space artifact is mistakenly used for calibration. We use a standard spherical accretion model of the Virgo region and choose as our calibrating ``group'' an artifact which strongly resembles the Virgo Southern Extension. We find that the dispersion which results from ``group'' members actually being at different distances is comparable to values currently quoted for the Tully-Fisher relation.

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