How Does That Thing Work? Explaining the VLA to Non-Scientists

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Session 4 -- Public Outreach
Display presentation, Monday, 9, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[4.07] How Does That Thing Work? Explaining the VLA to Non-Scientists

David G. Finley (National Radio Astronomy Observatory)

Radio astronomy observatories, particularly those operating aperture- synthesis instruments, have a significant obstacle in expanding public understanding of their work. While most interested non-astronomers at least believe they understand how an optical telescope operates, few will express similar confidence in their understanding of radio astronomy. Though the practice of interferometry and aperture synthesis is necessarily quite complex, the fundamental underlying principles of these techniques can be reduced to a form understandable to an interested non-scientist. A graphics-based, non-technical approach to this educational task has been developed, tested and refined on a number of audiences at the VLA and in presentations to groups and organizations. This simplified approach to a complex topic is outlined and explained.

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