The Astrophysics Data System is developing interfaces to a number of its services based on the HTTP protocol for use through World Wide Web browsers such as Mosaic. Several ADS services are already accessible through the WWW (abstracts, catalogs, and Einstein archive), and more are planned. A listing of these services is available from our data services page at
Through these WWW services the ADS offers a centralized access point for data catalogs and data archives accessible on the network. Data catalogs which reside in a relational database can be incorporated into our catalog service by obtaining a small software package from us. Query results can be returned in a variety of formats, including FITS, ASCII, and ADS tables. Alternatively, we can provide links to catalogs and data archives available through the WWW from our directory of WWW resources for astronomy. This gives information providers a way to advertise their data availability and allows users to have a single centralized listing of astronomy-related catalogs and data archives accessible through the WWW.
The ADS has an ongoing collaboration with the NCSA Mosaic Development Group to enhance the capabilities of Mosaic and the WWW for other ADS services.