The Center for Astronomical Adaptive Optics (CAAO) at Steward Observatory is implementing instrumentation to enable high resolution imaging in the infrared. The FASTTRAC I instrumentation suite achieves diffraction limited imaging (or spectroscopy) in the near infrared $(1-2.4 \mu m)$ by rapid $(100 Hz)$ tip-tilt correction in typical seeing conditions $(r_{o}=10 cm $ at $ 0.5 \mu m)$. FASTTRAC I removes image motion by rapidly steering a reactionless tip-tilt secondary mirror cell which economically accommodates existing IR secondaries at both the Observatory's 2.3m and 1.5m Cassegrains. Image motion is reduced to less than $0.05" rms$ during long exposures resulting in final image resolutions of $0.2-0.6"$ FWHM. Science targets can be acquired by utilizing faint visible $(\le 17^{th} V)$ or infrared $(\le 8^{th} K)$ guide stars (a unique dual capability). These guide stars must be within a $3' $ FOV which allows nearly full sky coverage for science target acquisition.
A few examples of science targets already acquired by FASTTRAC I are: the first real time images (J, H, \& K) of the massive black hole candidate Sgr A* FWHM $\le 0.5"$, the first high resolution HeI $(2.06 \mu m)$ image of the Galactic Center, high resolution infrared images of faint $(K \sim 22)$ field galaxies imaged by HST in the visible, Seyfert galaxy morphologies, and high redshift sub-arcsecond gravitational lenses. We will soon obtain tip-tilt corrected near infrared spectra of Sgr A* and other interesting infrared sources.
This research is supported by grants from the NSF (AST 88-22465; AST 92-03336) and NASA (NAGW-2254). L.M. Close is supported by a NSERC Fellowship.