Low resolution ($R \sim 600$) and high resolution ($R = 60,000$) spectra of Jupiter were obtained at McDonald Observatory during the period of the impact of the fragments of comet Shoemaker-Levy~9 with Jupiter. Spectrophotometrically calibrated low resolution observations were obtained on 17--24 July 1994 UT using a longslit spectrograph on the 2.1\,m telescope to cover the 0.55 to 1.08\,$\mu$m range. Spatial resolution along the slit was about 1-2 arcsec and spectral resolution was 10{\AA}. The spectrograph slit was oriented parallel to the impact latitude on Jupiter, allowing spatial sampling of the impact regions and the adjacent undisturbed areas on either side. Observations of spectrophotometric standard stars and solar analog stars were made to produce absolute photometric calibration of these data. Most of the high resolution spectroscopy was obtained with a cross-dispersed coud\'e echelle spectrograph on the 2.7\,m telescope, giving nearly complete spectral coverage from 0.40 to 1.05\,$\mu$m. The slit was $1.2 \times 8.1$ arcsec, giving spatial resolution of the impact locations in either a N-S or E-W direction. Some additional high resolution spectra were also obtained with a cassegrain echelle spectrograph on the 2.1\,m telescope. These spectra were also at $R = 60,000$, but had a more limited spectral coverage. The high resolving power ($R = 60,000$) permits resolution of individual CH$_4$, NH$_3$, and H$_2$ rotational lines. We report on the variations in the absorption band morphology, rotational line profiles and equivalent widhts between the locations of the impacts and the adjacent undisturbed regions of the atmosphere.