We present evolutionary models of DA white dwarf stars which have ``evolutionary'' surface layer masses and which incorporate the new OPAL radiative opacities (Iglesias \& Rogers 1993, ApJ, 412, 752), the Lenzuni, Chernoff, \& Salpeter (1991, ApJS, 76, 759) radiative opacities, recent improvements to the conductive opacities of the Japanese group (Itoh \& Kohyama 1993, ApJ, 404, 268, Itoh et al.\ 1993, ApJ, in press) and an improved opacity interpolation in the intermediate regime where no opacities currently exist. We present new theoretical luminosity functions which result from these sequences, and discuss the effects on the inferred age of the local Galactic disk relative to earlier results computed with ``thin'' surface layer masses.