Ultraviolet Spectropolarimetry of GRW+70 8247 with the HST Faint Object Spectrograph

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Session 46 -- White Dwarfs
Display presentation, Tuesday, 10, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[46.06] Ultraviolet Spectropolarimetry of GRW+70 8247 with the HST Faint Object Spectrograph

R.G. Allen (Steward Observatory), S. Jordan (Kiel University)

Spectropolarimetric observations of the magnetic white dwarf GRW+70~8247 in the $\lambda\lambda$1280--1600 range were obtained with the {\sl Faint Object Spectrograph\/} aboard the {\sl Hubble Space Telescope\/}. A dramatic increase in both the linear and circular polarization was found to coincide with a decline in the continuum flux below 1500~\AA . High levels of linear (20\%) and circular (12\%) polarization were observed in the $\lambda\lambda$1300--1400 range and were not confined to the well-known absorption feature at 1347~\AA .

This work is supported by NASA grant NAG~5-1630.

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