The $\beta$ cepheid variable $\beta$-Cru was the focus of a pointed observation using the PSPC aboard ROSAT during the AO4 observation cycle. The field contains the target star $\beta$-Cru, an X-ray binary 4U 1246-58, 6 previously unidentified X-ray sources and diffuse emission with a complicated morphology. The data for the 6 previously unidentified sources suggest an identification as T-Taurii stars. We present the X-ray timing and spectral data for the candidate T-Taurii stars along with data on possible optical counterparts. In addition we present the correlation of the observed X-ray field with observations in the infrared utilizing archival IRAS data. An anti-correlation of the X-ray and infrared emission suggests that the complicated diffuse emission is the result of shadowing of the Galactic X-ray background by foreground molecular gas.