Near infrared and submillimeter CO \j{3}{2} line observations of \iras\ in the Lynds 483 dark cloud are presented. The near infrared images show nebulous emission extending up to $\sim70\arcsec$ from the IRAS position. The point source corresponding to the IRAS source is not directly detected at any wavelength and is obscured by 90 magnitudes or more of visual extinction. At 2.2\microns\ the nebula is bipolar with approximately cylindrical lobes east and west of the IRAS source. The western lobe is significantly brighter and is spatially coincident with the blue shifted CO emission from the outflow. If the lobes have equal intrinsic brightness, their apparent brightness implies that the outflow has an inclination angle of $30-40\deg$ to the plane of the sky and that the density distribution within the dense gas around \iras\ has a radial profile steeper than $r^{-1}$. There is a bright knot of molecular hydrogen emission close to the end of the blue shifted CO. This molecular hydrogen emission is thought to be tracing the region where the stellar outflow is impacting the surrounding dense gas. The observations suggest that \iras\ is very young and that its outflow is driven by a jet from the central star.