High Resolution Studies of IRAS Additional Observations: G2.4+1.4

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Session 50 -- Supernova Remnants
Display presentation, Tuesday, 10, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[50.02] High Resolution Studies of IRAS Additional Observations: G2.4+1.4

Mary Agner (University of Southern Mississippi), R. Canterna (WIRO), Leisa Townsley (Penn State), Rob Hermann (Willamette College), J. A. Hackwell (The Aerospace Corp.)

High spatial resolution (=FD30") images of the IRAS Additional Observations of the supernova remnant/Wolf-Rayet mass loss region G2.4+1.4 were reconstructed in all four IRAS bands. The 25 micron images show a multi-ringed structure that is coincident on the H emission features. An undiscovered ring or arm in 25 and 60 microns north of the Wolf-Rayet star has been observed. This ring-like feature had no related structure in H or the radio spectrum. The IRAS features and colors are consistent with a combined SNR and a mass loss region associated with a Wolf-Rayet star.

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