We present a 30 ksec ROSAT HRI X-ray image of the Galactic SNR G109.1--1.0 (CTB~109) together with new H$\alpha$ and [O~III] CCD images of the SNR's optical emission. The remnant's X-ray structure consists of several bright emission patches, numerous smaller-scale clumps and knots, and a faint, diffuse X-ray background. The remnant's bright, off-center X-ray blob is resolved into a triangular shaped region and several bright knots, five of which lie in a straight line that does not point towards the remnant's X-ray pulsar. Deep optical images reveal faint filaments near the SNR's geometrical center along the X-ray blob's SW edge. Low-dispersion optical spectra of these filaments show relative emission line strengths characteristic of shock-heated gas ([S~II]/H$\alpha$ = 0.85) with an estimated shock velocity $\approx$ 100 km s$^{-1}$. We suggest that the remnant's X-ray and optical emission structures, including the X-ray blob, are due to shocked cloud emissions resulting from the SNR's location at the outskirts of a molecular cloud complex. We also speculate that the peculiar chain of X-ray knots might be the clumpy, shock heated remains of an earlier epoch of mass outflow from a YSO embedded within the X-ray blob.