Near Infrared and Optical Images of the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy NGC 1705

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Session 51 -- Dwarf Galaxies
Display presentation, Tuesday, 10, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[51.09] Near Infrared and Optical Images of the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy NGC 1705

Solange Ram\'{\i}rez, A. C. Quillen, Jay A. Frogel (Ohio State University)

We present near-infrared J,H,K and visible B,V,R images of the amorphous dwarf galaxy NGC 1705. The galaxy is assymetric extending further to the east than to the west. In the infrared images we detect three peaks which are of sufficient brightness to be globular clusters. The optical and infrared colors of the underlying galaxy are consistent with a composite stellar population similar to that of the bluest Sd galaxies. Optical and infrared colors of these clusters will be compared to LMC globular clusters.

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