The Effects of Rotation on Cooling Flows

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Session 53 -- Clusters of Galaxies I
Display presentation, Tuesday, 10, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[53.02] The Effects of Rotation on Cooling Flows

C. Garasi, C. Loken, J. Burns (NMSU)

Recent observations suggest that rotation may be dynamically significant in the cores of some cooling flow clusters (e.g. Hydra-A). We have therefore begun to investigate the effect of rotation on the properties of cooling flows. This was performed by first computing a spherically symmetric cooling flow in the gravitational potential of an elliptical galaxy and King model cluster distribution. The 1D solution was perturbed by applying a rotation and its evolution followed using an axisymmetric hydrodynamical code. The effects of different rotation profiles and rotation strengths have been studied, and will be presented.

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