Isophotal light profiles have been determined for 29 faint field galaxies in Hubble Space Telescope (``HST'') images taken for the Medium Deep Survey (``MDS'') prior to the refurbishment mission, for which ground-based spectroscopy and reshifts are available. The images were obtained with the Wide Field Camera in ``parallel mode'' and deconvolved using the Lucy method with a large grid of observed field stars as point-spread functions. The effective resolution of the restored WFC images is ${\sim}0.2^{\prime\prime}$ FWHM.
By fitting the light profiles to models of exponential disks and/or $r^{1/4}$-bulges, accurate values for their scale-lengths ($r_s$ and/or $r_e$) have been determined. Most galaxies in this sample are disk-dominated, with small central bulges. From ground-based spectroscopy, the measured redshifts for these galaxies are z=0.026---0.554. The light-profiles, color gradients and spectra of these galaxies are discussed as a function of galaxy type and cosmic time.
This work was supported by NASA/HST grants GO-2684-0*-94A from STScI, which is operated by AURA, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.