The Las Campanas Fiber-Optic Redshift Survey (LC) now contains over 20000 galaxies, with an average redshift $z \approx 0.1$, distributed over six $1.5\deg$ by $80\deg$ strips in the Northern and Southern galactic caps. We have computed the power spectrum for magnitude-limited samples of LC galaxies over scales $\lambda = 5 - 600\ h^{-1}$~Mpc, and find a good match to the power spectrum of a cold dark matter model with $\Omega h \approx 0.3$. Comparisons with other redshift surveys give generally fair agreement, and specific details will be presented. Comparison to COBE results shows a bias $b \approx 1$ for LC galaxies relative to the mass on scales $\lambda > 100\ h^{-1}$~Mpc. Power spectrum measurements for volume-limited LC samples show that galaxies brighter than about $M^*_{\rm LC}-1.5$ ($M^*_{\rm LC} = -20.3$) appear more strongly clustered than those fainter.