We have completed a redshift survey of $\sim~700$ IRAS galaxies with $F_{60}~>~150$~mJy covering 224 deg$^2$ towards the Bootes Void. This survey has resulted in the discovery of a substantial population of galaxies in the Bootes Void. Since our last report (Aldering 1990, PhD Thesis, U. Mich) we have found at least six additional IRAS galaxies in the Bootes Void. An extension of this work has yielded eight more (cf. Moshir and Aldering, these proceedings). Five of our Bootes Void IRAS sources have spectroscopically confirmed companions (cf. Aldering 1990). We determine the underdensity of the Bootes Void as measured by IRAS galaxies, and examine the distribution of these galaxies within the Void. We also examine whether there is evidence that the FIR luminosity function is anything but normal for a similarly volume limited sample of IRAS galaxies. The spectroscopic properties, surface brightness distribution, and frequency of companions is examined for any signature which life within a void might have left on these galaxies.