In order to investigate the relationship between nuclear activity and galaxy evolution, we have carried out a search for gas-rich AGN. Our sample is drawn from a cross--correlation of the IRAS Faint Source Data Base and the Texas 365MHz radio catalogue. As a result of observations obtained at various optical and radio observatories, we have discovered a class of gas--rich AGN that have properties intermediate to the IRAS ultraluminous starbursts and powerful quasars and which may constitute the link between AGN and starbursts.
We present observations of five new high redshift (z$>$1.5) IRAS quasars. These quasars are surrounded by large reservoirs of gas, as is evidenced by their far-infrared thermal excesses, associated absorption, steep radio spectra and asymmetric radio morphologies. Their spectral energy distributions and bolometric luminosities are similar to the dust-enshrouded F10214. However, the radio power of these quasars is about two orders of magnitude greater than that of F10214, suggesting that their active nuclei are in the process of being unveiled.