X-ray and Optical Determinations of the Mass Distribution in the Cluster of Galaxies Abell 548

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Session 74 -- Clusters of Galaxies II: X-Rays
Display presentation, Wednesday, 11, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[74.04] X-ray and Optical Determinations of the Mass Distribution in the Cluster of Galaxies Abell 548

Kimberly Dow, Christine Jones, Laurence David (SAO)

Abell 548 is one of the best spectroscopically studied cool gas clusters. Both the X-ray and optical data show two clusters separated by 4 Mpc. The X-ray data suggests a third cluster WSW of the primary clusters. Our deep ROSAT PSPC observations, centered on each cluster and used in conjunction with redshift data, provide two independant methods for determining the total cluster mass. We also explore the anisotropies in the galaxy velocities.

We have measured the gas temperature and gas density distribution for each cluster and derived the total mass and its distribution. We compared the X-ray derived mass profile with the virial mass distribution derived from observations of galaxy velocities and positions to determine if the galaxy motions are isotropic. Additionally, we have compared the X-ray surface brightness and gas mass profiles with the total mass profiles to determine if the X-ray light follows the dark mass.

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