We study the formation and evolution of X-ray clusters through the use of hydrodynamic simulations, focusing primarily on clusters produced in models that combine both cold and hot dark matter (CHDM). Two simulations are examined in detail. The first models a large volume of space using a cube 170 $h^{-1}$ Mpc on a side in order to probe the mid to high ends of the X-ray cluster luminosity and temperature distribution functions. We find that these are both well-matched to observations although our cluster luminosities (but not temperatures) are somewhat uncertain due to the relatively low resolution available for individual clusters. In order to address this concern and improve our modeling of the small scale structure, we undertake a second simulation of a smaller volume with higher resolution. We analyze this to form a prediction of the low-end of the X-ray luminosity and temperature distribution functions as well as to probe the structure of individual clusters.