Imaging Fabry-Perot observations of the nearby starburst M82 have provided unprecedented detail of the extended ($\sim$2 kpc) bipolar outflow in this galaxy. The high spatial and kinematic resolution of the Hawaii Imaging Fabry-Perot Interferometer (HIFI) has allowed us to perform photometric analysis of the H$\alpha$, [NII]$\lambda\lambda$6548,6583, and [OIII]$\lambda$5007 spectral lines at roughly 250,000 positions across the extent of the galaxy. Chevalier and Clegg originally conjectured that the high supernova rates in starburst nuclei would collisionally thermalize the surrounding gas to temperatures with sound speeds exceeding the escape velocity of the galaxy. We have sought to understand how this wind interacts with the surrounding medium. The structure of the outflow is highly complex as confirmed by recent deep observations at radio and x-ray wavelengths. Collectively, these data show clear evidence that energy and mass are being deposited into the intergalactic medium. We have mapped the excitation state of the gas as a function of velocity along the full extent of the bipolar nebula. We report on the primary results of our analyses, which includes a comparison of our photometry, excitation, and velocity maps with those predicted by contemporary models of starburst winds.