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We present new Cycle 4 images of the brightest globular cluster, M31 G1=Mayall II. The I, V-I color-magnitude digram has a giant branch that falls on the locus of 47 Tuc, and a very red horizontal branch that is at our detection limit, at V=25.2; adopting a modulus of 24.4 mag, $M_V(HB)=+0.8$. While at the limit of detection, the horizontal branch is as red as the giant branch.
We also present Cycle 4 images of the M31 nucleus in the F1042M filter. The double morphology is identical to that reported by Lauer et al. [(1993) AJ 106, 1436]. Restored WFPC1 images [Rich, Mighell \& Neill, 1994 in preparation] show no change in morphology from 4400\AA\ to 8500\AA. These observations serve to further confirm that the peculiar morphology is not due to absorption by dust.