High Resolution HI Study of IC 10

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Session 76 -- Spirals I
Display presentation, Wednesday, 11, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[76.16] High Resolution HI Study of IC 10

P. Hodge (U. Washington), E. Wilcots (NRAO), B. Miller (DTM)

We present a detailed study of the properties of the HI gas in and around the Local Group galaxy IC~10. Our observations show that the HI kinematics in the disk are highly complex. In addition we find evidence of infall from the large, extended HI halo into the disk of IC~10. Previously known to have a relatively high star formation rate as well as complex gas kinematics, IC~10 presents an interesting laboratory in which to study both the relationship between star formation and the ISM and the role of extended HI gas in determining the characteristics of the galactic disk.

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