Galaxies in The Local Universe

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Session 77 -- Spirals II
Display presentation, Wednesday, 11, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[77.08] Galaxies in The Local Universe

Albert D. Grauer (UALR and Steward Observatory), Marcia J. Rieke (Steward Observatory), K.K. Mcleod (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)

This paper presents the initial data from a survey of galaxies in the local universe at J (1.25 microns) and K (2.16 microns) using an infrared camera with a 3.8' X 3.8' field of view. We have obtained and analyzed 65 deep images of 45 galaxies. These data form a subset of a representative sample of galaxies from the Uppsala General Catalogue. We have obtained 1 sigma limits of 21.7 mag/arcsec**2 at K and 22.4 mag/arcsec**2 at J, corresponding approximately to the B = 25.5 mag/arcsec**2 isophote. The initial results include measurements of infrared central surface brightnesses, color gradients, scale lengths and heights, spiral arm amplitudes and other galactic properties.

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