We report on the results of 1-D simulations of core collapse and explosion in massive stellar progenitors. In addition to providing models which may be mapped onto multidimensional grids for investigations of instabilities and mixing, these models demonstrate, in 1-D, the dependence of the shock evolution and explosion energy upon the progenitor model and neutrino physics in a systematic fashion. Rather than initiating explosions artificially (e.g. via pistons, thermal bombs, or kinetic energy bombs), these simulations follow the stellar core through collapse, bounce, and subsequent shock formation self-consistently. The energy of the explosion is varied naturally by adjusting the coupling between the neutrinos and matter, and by varying the energy distribution of the neutrino spectrum through an adjustment of the effective neutrino chemical potential. The behavior of the neutrino-driven shock is seen to depend strongly upon the progenitor model and assumptions in the neutrino transport physics. In models which explode, the evolution of the shock is followed as it progresses from the iron core into the silicon- and oxygen-burning shells. Simulations without neutrino transport are also included for comparison.