Using a 512 x 512 Photometrics CCD camera on the 31" telescope operated by the National Undergraduate Research Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, we have obtained B,V,R,and I frames of several recent supernovae, most of them observed near peak brightness. The most extensive of these observations, of SN1994D, cover 15 days in March and April, 1994, while the other supernovae, 1993G, 1994I, 1994M, 1994S, and 1994Q, are only sparsely sampled. We present light curves of SN 1994D, along with tables of all the observed magnitudes. We also discuss several alternative procedures used to minimize contamination from the background galaxies and we outline the methods used to reduce our instrumental magnitudes to the standard system. This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation RUE program, the NASA Space Grant program, and Gettsyburg College. We acknowledge the support of Lowell Observatory for the use of the 31" telescope on Anderson Mesa by students and faculty of NURO.