Investigating the frequecy evolution of roAp star HD 60435

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Session 80 -- Stellar Activity II: Early Type Stars, Normal Stars
Display presentation, Wednesday, 11, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[80.01] Investigating the frequecy evolution of roAp star HD 60435

P. T. Boyd (USRA GSFC), P. H. Carter (NSWC), R. Gilmore (Drexel U.), J. F. Dolan (NASA GSFC)

We present a method related to the wavelet transform, the Gabor transform, for investigating time series containing non-constant frequencies. Instances in which such data sets may arise include variable star light curves, numerical studies of the gravitational three- body problem, x-ray binaries, and signals from more exotic objects such as planets around pulsars and mass infall from accretion onto compact objects. As an illustration of its power, we apply the technique to photometry of the rapidly oscillating peculiar A star HD 60435. The power in the main frequency exhibits unusual evolution over the duration of the observation, The observed frequency evolution is inconsistent with the mechanism of beating of nearby frequecies to produce the modulation.

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