The suspected 53 Persei type variable 3 Vulpeculae has been on the observing program of the Four College Consortium Automatic Photoelectric Telescope (FCCAPT) for three years. When reducing the data it was noticed that the standard deviation of the check (HD182865) and comparison (HD181164) star measures was significantly higher than expected on the basis of results from other observing programs. A periodogram analysis of these observations revealed a strong peak at 0.156 c/d (6.43 days). In order to determine which of the two stars was varying separate periodogram analyses were performe on the variable minus comparison and the variable minus check data. Since the period of the variable is significantly shorter than 6 days it was hoped that one of these two periodograms would have the 6.43 day period present while the other one would not. Indeed, this proved to be the case. We identify the previously undetected variable as the check star HD182865. The period is rather long to be a pulsational one for a B8 star. A search of the SIMBAD data base revealed no other information on this star other than the HD spectral type. The amplitude of variation is greatest in the Stromgren u filter and least in the Stromgren y filter. This, together with the B8 HD spectral type, and its rather long period lead us to suspect that the variation is a rotational phenomaenon with the period of variation equal to its rotational period. This would suggest that it is likely a chemically peculiar star. This work has been supported in part by NSF grants AST86-16362, AST91-15114, and USE-9156184 to the College of Charleston.