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Hot stars are losing mass at large rates through their high-speed winds. Such stars are also know to emit X-rays with $L_{X}/L_{bol}$ $\simeq$ $10^{-7}$ for O stars, falling to $\simeq$ $10^{-9}$ for B3 stars. It is particularly difficult to observationally determine the wind properties of early-B stars because their UV wind lines are typically very weak. In this study we use He~II emission lines detected by EUVE to determine the wind properties of $\epsilon$ CMa. We find that the He~II emission lines most likely originate from He~III recombination in the ``cool'' portion of the wind, and is a byproduct of X-ray photoionization of He. The conditions of the X-ray emitting region are determined by the strengths of Fe~IX - Fe~XVI lines observed by EUVE. It has also been found that the He~II Ly$\alpha$ line likely produces the observed O~III line emission at 374~\AA~via the Bowen mechanism.