\noindent We present images of the molecular outflow in isolated Bok globule B335, made with the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Array in HCO$^+$($1\rightarrow0$) at $89.188518$~GHz.
The data have a velocity resolution of $0.33$~km~s$^{-1}$ and an angular resolution of approximately $10$'' over a field $2.5$' wide. They show a bipolar outflow with each lobe having both blue and red-shifted components whose line-of-sight velocities relative to the central object are $0.5$--$0.7$~km~s$^{-1}$, consistent with a flow near the plane of the sky. Each lobe extends $60$'' from the central source, or $15\,000$~au at the assumed distance of $250$~pc.