The photo-dissociation region (PDR) associated with S106, an isolated, nearby emission nebula with bipolar outflow, provides an ideal target in which to determine the complex distribution of gas and dust within an active star forming complex. The UV photons of the embedded B star(s) excite important tracers of density, excitation, and extinction in the gas and dust. We employed the Cryogenic Optical Bench (COB) to provide narrow bandpass images (0.94 arcsec/pixel) in the molecular hydrogen v=1-0 S(1) 2.12 $\micron$ line, the ionized hydrogen Brackett $\alpha$ and Brackett $\gamma$ lines and the 3.28 $\micron$ dust emission feature. We also employed the Cryogenic Spectrometer (CRSP) at a wavelength resolution of 1900 across a single spectral baseline from 2.12 to 2.27 $\micron$, stepping the slit to map the source simultaneously in the Brackett $\gamma$, $H_{2}$ (v=1-0 S(1), v=1-0 S(0) and v=2-1 S(0)) lines, and two lines of [FeIII].