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CCD narrow band imaging of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 3367 shows H$_{\alpha}$ emission from the disk and in particular shows a string of emission knots in the south west of the galaxy forming an extremely symmetric structure almost at a constant distance from the compact nucleus. The string of H$_{\alpha}$ emission knots does not belong to a particular spiral arm. Since X-ray emssion has been detected from that region we interpret the origin of the sharp SW edge as due to an interaction of the galaxy NGC 3367 with hot intergalactic gas as it travels almost in the plane of the sky into that direction. From the theoretical work of Kritsuk (1983 Astrofisika 19,263), the distance from the compact nucleus at which the string of H$_{\alpha}$ appear and assuming a total traveling velocity of the galaxy, the estimated intergalactic gas density is n${\simeq}2{\times}10^{-4}$ cm$^{-3}$.
The author aknowledges partial financial support from CONACYT (Mexico) grant 689-E9111.