The new Remote Proposal Submission system (RPS2) has drastically changed the method of proposal preparation and submission for Hubble Space Telescope observing. Just as COSTAR cleared up and enhanced HST's sight, the components of RPS2 clear up and give new insight into how a proposal actually executes on the telescope and how it is scheduled. In previous cycles, proposal preparation was a kind of art form. The period between submission and delivery of science data was often opaque to the proposer. One of the goals of the Space Telescope Science Institute is to open a window on the proposal review process for the astronomer. Feedback is now given on the schedulability windows, detailed timing, and feasibility of a proposal. Many errors and problems that went undetected until much later in the review process can now be caught and fixed by the proposer. The quality of the errors reported have also been enhanced. A new template has also been introduced to simplify a previously complicated task by removing redundant, confusing, and obsolete elements.