The Space Telescope Science Institute has been assessing and improving the quality of the HST proposal process over the past few months via the PRESTO project. The desire has been to improve the processing steps and to provide users with more insight into the proposal implementation process. In a poster paper presented at the June 1994 AAS conference, the `Program Coordinator' and `Liaison Scientist' concepts were introduced.
This new process assigns a single point of contact to the user. The single point of contact will be the assigned Program Coordinator (PC). The user will go to the PC for all proposal processing needs. The PC will assist the user from Phase I acceptance through program execution. A Liaison Scientist (LS) will also be assigned to each program to ensure the scientific goals of the program are met, though the PC remains the point of contact for the user.
This poster will display the results of the past months of hard work by the PCs and LSs to produce tools, documents and processes useful to the HST user community.