The ongoing effort of the Project to Re-Engineer Space Telescope Observing (PRESTO) project, at the Space Telescope Science Institute (ST ScI), to provide better service to the astronomical community, has produced a new World Wide Web (WWW) server page that provides plenty of information for a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Observer or a future HST Observer.
Using a client program such as Mosaic or Lynx an observer can access information about specific HST observing proposals, generic scheduling information, such as observing timeline reports, Science Instrument (SI) calibration plans, Science Program Holds and Delays as well as copies of the current ST ScI observing documents (Call for Proposals, Proposal Instructions, and the SI Handbooks). This WWW page also provides links to the other ST ScI WWW pages, the STEIS - Space Telescope Electronic Information Service page, the HDA - Hubble Data Archive/Starview page, and the STSDAS - Space Telescope Science Data Analysis System page.