The polarization of OJ287 was observed during the 1993/94 observing campaign within the OJ-94 international collaboration. Data were taken, usually in UBVRI, at various epochs from November 1993 to May 1994. The polarization degree varied from $\sim$1\% to 18\%, although was generally from 5-10\%. During the observing season the visible flux increased by a factor of four approximately, but no dilution of the polarization degree is seen, indicating that the total polarised flux increased with the unpolarised flux. A pronounced rotation is seen though in the polarization vector during the observing campaign, which may be correlated with the flux changes. Polarisation measurements were made on a series of nights in January 1994, coincident with a sharp 1 magnitude flare in the visible. Large position angle variations were seen during the flare, which appear to correlate with the visible flux. The polarization degree also dropped to a low, but quite constant, level at this time. We will discuss these variations in terms of models of the polarization emission mechanism.