Sunday Titles

Program overview

MEDIA EMBARGO NOTICE: All abstracts are embargoed until the time of presentation at the AAS meeting. "Time of presentation" means the time at which the Oral or Display paper session is scheduled to begin. Please consult our Press Officer for further information.


Session 2. History in Astronomy Education I

Oral, Sunday, 2:00pm - 5:00pm, Mohave (Tucson Convention Center)

2.01 Constructing New World Views: Learning Science in a Historical Context
B. J. Becker (SWRL)
2.02 Archaeoastronomy and Science Education
D. S. P. Dearborn (LLNL)
2.03 Time in History: Examples of Historical Issues of Time and Calendars Useful in Undergraduate Astronomy Teaching
W. T. Sullivan (U. Wash.)
2.04 Textbooks and the Rise of Modern Astrophysics
D. DeVorkin (NASM)
2.05 Can Astronomy Be Taught Without History?
M. Zeilik and S. Hall (University of New Mexico)