Two Low-Redshift QSOs Possibly Ejected from the ACtive Galaxy NGC 4258

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Session 11 -- AGNs I: Observations
Oral presentation, Monday, June 12, 1995, 10:00am - 11:30am

[11.05] Two Low-Redshift QSOs Possibly Ejected from the ACtive Galaxy NGC 4258

E. M. Burbidge (UCSD)

Pietsch at. al (1994, A /& A, 284, 386) have mapped NGC 4258 and its surroundings with teh ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC). AMong the surrounding compact X-Ray sources are two which Pietsch et. al describe as "outstanding in terms of their X-ray brightness and symmetrical and equidistant position with respect to the nucleus of NGC 4258." THey suggest that these may be "bipolar ejecta from the nucleus." Spectra of thee two m = 20 BSOs obtained with eh Kast double spectrograph on the Lick 3-m telescope show that both objects are QSOs, with z = 0.398 and 0.653 respectively. each lies about 9' from the nucleus of NGC 4258. If these are indeed "bipolar ejecta from the nucleus" of NGC 4258, they must have considerable intrinsic redshift components.

The relationship of this system to other close QSO galaxy pairs will be discussed.

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