MARGIE -- A Balloon-Borne Instrument for High Angular Resolution \\ Hard X-Ray Astronomy

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Session 17 -- Instrumentation, Techniques and Surveys
Oral presentation, Monday, June 12, 1995, 2:00pm - 3:30pm

[17.02] MARGIE -- A Balloon-Borne Instrument for High Angular Resolution \\ Hard X-Ray Astronomy

M.L. Cherry, P.P. Altice, C.X. Chen, T.G. Guzik, R.C. Svoboda (Louisiana State Univ.), J. Macri, M. McConnell, J. Ryan (Univ. New Hampshire), B. Barakat, K. Johnston (Louisiana Tech Univ.)

MARGIE (Minute-of-Arc Resolution Gamma ray Imaging Experiment) will be a new balloon-borne telescope to observe 30 - 300 keV gamma ray sources with excellent angular resolution ($1^/prime$). The instrument will use a coded aperture mask and a fine-grained position-sensitive central detector. The mask will be 0.5 mm thick tungsten, with 0.5 mm pixels at a distance of 1.5 m from the central detector, giving an angular resolution of $1^/prime$ and a fully coded field of view of $12^/circ$. The central detector will be based on either cesium iodide microfiber arrays coupled to a large area silicon CCD readout array, or cadmium zinc telluride. Prototype testing of both CZT and the CsI/CCD combination have been carried out, and results will be shown, together with expected sensitivity and instrument performance.

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