First Look at New WUPPE/Astro-2 Observations of Hot Stars

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Session 20 -- Astro 2
Display presentation, Tuesday, June 13, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[20.16] First Look at New WUPPE/Astro-2 Observations of Hot Stars

K.S. Bjorkman, A.D. Code, M.R. Meade, B.L. Babler, N.E. Zellner, C.M. Anderson, R.J. Edgar, G.K. Fox, J.J. Johnson, K.H. Nordsieck, W.T. Sanders, A.J. Weitenbeck (U. Wisconsin), O.L. Lupie (STScI), R.E. Schulte-Ladbeck, J. Harold (U. Pittsburgh), G.C. Clayton (U. Colorado)

New ultraviolet spectropolarimety of a number of hot stars was obtained with the Wisconsin Ultraviolet Photo-Polarimeter Experiment (WUPPE) during the 16 day Astro-2 mission in March 1995. Observations included 14 Oe/Be stars, covering a spectral range from O7 to B9.5 and $v \sin i$ values from 25 to 400 km/s. Other observations included 4 known or suspected Herbig Ae/Be stars in a range of inclinations, 2 OB supergiants, and a guest investigator program (Schulte-Ladbeck, this meeting) of several Wolf-Rayet stars. Additional objects observed with WUPPE which are of interest to the hot star community include P Cyg, which was observed 3 times during the mission and which did show variability, AG Carinae, Gamma2 Velorum, some OB and WR stars in the Magellanic Clouds, including HD5980, and numerous normal OB stars observed as part of the interstellar program (Anderson et al., this meeting).

We will present first-look data from a preliminary data reduction for those objects which have good signal-to-noise spectropolarimetry (including all the Oe/Be stars), and discuss some initial ideas on the analysis and interpretation of the data. We will also show contemporaneous optical spectropolarimetry taken during the Astro-2 mission using the new CCD version of the HPOL instrument at the Pine Bluff Observatory (PBO) of the University of Wisconsin. This revised instrument provides much better spectral resolution as well as higher sensitivity and a broader spectral range. Together the WUPPE and PBO data provide continuous spectropolarimetry from 1500 angstroms to 1 micron.

This work has been supported by NASA contract NAS5-26777 with the University of Wisconsin.

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