3 Vulpeculae, a 53 Persei Star

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Session 22 -- Stellar Spectroscopy, Atmospheres, Models, Intrinsic Variables, Theory, Part II
Display presentation, Tuesday, June 13, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[22.09] 3 Vulpeculae, a 53 Persei Star

R. Dukes, W. Kubinec, A. Kubinec (College of Charleston, SC), S.J. Adelman (The Citadel, SC)

We have analyzed four seasons of differential uvby photometry obtained with the Four College Automated Photoelectric Telescope on Mt. Hopkins, AZ. We have carefully searched for low amplitude periods. The main frequencies are 0.9719, 0.7922 and 0.8553 cycle/d. During the summer of 1992 the observing rate was increased to provide better coverage for periods near one day. At that time an episode of unknown origin produced four to six oscillations which included the 0.9717 and 0.7922 cycle/d frequencies and two to four "new" ones. A study of the photographic region using 2.4 A/mm spectrograms (S/N = 200+) obtained with a Reticon detector at the coude focus of the 1.2-m telescope of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory confirms the variable nature of 3 Vul as a 53 Persei star and indicates that the star's abundances are normal for main sequence band B stars.

This work has been supported in part by NSF grants AST86-16362, AST91-15114 and USE-9156184 to the College of Charleston. The Citadel has been a subgrantee for the first two grants. SJA is a Visiting Observer at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, National Research Council of Canada.

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