Faint AGNs in the Nuclei of MDS Galaxies

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Session 23 -- Low-Luminosity AGNs
Display presentation, Tuesday, June 13, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[23.02] Faint AGNs in the Nuclei of MDS Galaxies

Vicki Sarajedini (Steward Obs., U. of Arizona), Richard F. Green (NOAO), Richard E. Griffiths, Kavan Ratnatunga (JHU)

The Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 is being used to obtain high-resolution images ($\le$ 0.1'' FWHM) in the V (F555W) and I (F814W) bands for several thousand distant galaxies as part of the Medium-Deep Survey (MDS). An important scientific aim of the MDS is to identify low luminosity AGNs from these images in order to measure the faint end of the AGN luminosity function as well as to study the host galaxies of AGNs and nuclear starburst systems. We are able to identify candidate objects based on morphology. Candidates are selected by fitting a combined bulge and disk model to the galaxy and examining the residual once this model is subtracted from the galaxy image. Each candidate exhibits an unresolved point source in the nucleus which is well fit with a stellar point spread function. We present preliminary results based on a sample of faint AGNs selected in this manner. V-I colors of the nuclei and host galaxies are discussed.

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