Key Science Programs of the VSOP Space VLBI Mission

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Session 27 -- The Space VLBI Mission VSOP182
Oral presentation, Tuesday, June 13, 1995, 8:30am - 12:30pm

[27.03] Key Science Programs of the VSOP Space VLBI Mission

R.~A.~Preston (JPL)

Key Science Programs (KSPs) will be an important element of the VSOP scientific observations. These programs have been established to ensure that the most important scientific goals of the mission are realized by giving observational priority and extra mission support to a small set of varied investigations. A limited number of the proposals submitted by the scientific community will be chosen for inclusion in the KSPs, with the principal investigators of these proposals being responsible for the scientific analysis of each individual investigation.

One of the KSPs, the Survey KSP, will be formed in a slightly different manner. The Survey KSP will be led by the mission, which will define one or more surveys to be undertaken by VSOP. The mission encourages contributors of telescope time, other resources, and concepts for surveys from outside the mission to join the Survey KSP.

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