The VSOP Announcement of Opportunity: Information for U.S. Proposers

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Session 27 -- The Space VLBI Mission VSOP182
Oral presentation, Tuesday, June 13, 1995, 8:30am - 12:30pm

[27.04] The VSOP Announcement of Opportunity: Information for U.S. Proposers

A. B. Wiercigroch (JPL)

Japan's Institute of Space and Astronautical Science will issue an Announcement of Opportunity (AO) requesting proposals for observations using the first dedicated space VLBI mission, VLBI Space Observatory Programme (VSOP). The AO is tentatively scheduled to be released in May~1995, with proposals due in November~1995. The AO solicits proposals from the international scientific community and will cover the first 17~months of scientific observations, occurring after completion of in-orbit checkout of the VSOP spacecraft and ground systems. Launch of the spacecraft is scheduled to take place in August/September~1996, with the first phase of guest observations beginning in January~1997. This mission provides a unique opportunity for astronomers to propose scientific programs of space-ground VLBI observations; many of the world's ground radio telescopes are collaborating to provide the maximum scientific return by allocating time for this endeavor.

This presentation provides the latest information on the status of the AO process and will cover the following topics relevant for U.S. proposers:

$\bullet$ NASA's Role in the AO

$\bullet$ Obtaining the VSOP AO

$\bullet$ Timelines of the AO Process

$\bullet$ Contents of the AO and VSOP Proposer's Guide

$\bullet$ Assistance for Prospective Proposers

$\bullet$ Proposal Review Process

$\bullet$ WWW Sites, Newsletters, and Other Information Resources

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