Software Packages to Aid VSOP Proposers

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Session 27 -- The Space VLBI Mission VSOP182
Oral presentation, Tuesday, June 13, 1995, 8:30am - 12:30pm

[27.06] Software Packages to Aid VSOP Proposers

D.~W.~Murphy (JPL)

VLBI observations using the VSOP spacecraft and an array of ground radio telescopes will have many differences from ground-based VLBI observations. Proposers to the VSOP mission need to appreciate these differences if they are to write viable proposals. Computer simulation software, for both UNIX and PC platforms, has been written to help proposers understand the scientific performance of the VSOP mission. Unlike ground VLBI, the (u,v \/) coverage for a VSOP observation of a particular source is a strong function of the observation epoch. One key feature of the software is the ability to examine how the (u,v \/) coverage varies as a function of both the ground array used and the observation epoch. A description of this software, how it may be used to understand the differences between ground and space VLBI observations, and how it may be used as an aid in proposal preparation will be presented.

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