Choosing a Co-Observing Array of Ground Radio Telescopes for VSOP

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Session 27 -- The Space VLBI Mission VSOP182
Oral presentation, Tuesday, June 13, 1995, 8:30am - 12:30pm

[27.07] Choosing a Co-Observing Array of Ground Radio Telescopes for VSOP

D.~L.~Meier (JPL)

Useful space VLBI data cannot be obtained unless an array of ground radio telescopes (GRTs) co-observes with VSOP. Specification of this array is the second most important part of a space VLBI observing proposal, next to the scientific justification section itself. Time on the world's GRTs for space VLBI co-observation is a scarce resource. One must take care to specify sufficient numbers to adequately fill the aperture plane without requiring so many that one's observation never gets scheduled.

The VSOP Announcement of Opportunity cover sheet is the primary means by which the Principal Investigator communicates the need for GRTs and other resources. It has been designed to handle the simplest of experiments, as well as many of the more complex ones.

This presentation will discuss the decisions which must be made in choosing a ground array. It will then show a few samples of filled-in cover sheets for both simple, and rather complex, examples.

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