Redshift-Space versus Real Space: A Dynamical Probe of Fundamental Cosmological Parameters

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Session 29 -- The Dynamics of Large Scale Structure
Oral presentation, Tuesday, June 13, 1995, 2:00pm - 5:30pm

[29.04] Redshift-Space versus Real Space: A Dynamical Probe of Fundamental Cosmological Parameters

Karl B. Fisher (Institute for Advanced Study)

Historically, redshift surveys have provided the raw data and impetus for much of the research into the nature of the three dimensional galaxy distribution. The distribution of galaxy redshifts can, however, be systematically different from the distribution of actual galaxy distances. Redshift-space is a projection of the full six-dimensional phase space describing the positions and velocities of the galaxies. Consequently, the difference between clustering in real and redshift-space offers a invaluable dynamical probe of the relationship between the density and velocity fields. The dynamical mapping between the density field in real and redshift-space will be discussed in the context of linear and non-linear gravitational instability theory. A few examples will illustrate how modeling the distortion of the clustering pattern in the next generation of large redshift surveys, such as the planned Sloan Digital Sky Survey, offers the promise of high-precision determinations of fundamental cosmological parameters, such a the mean mass density of the universe, $\Omega$.

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