Spectroscopy of the CO J=1-0 and J=2-1 Transitions in Comet P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1

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Session 33 -- Solar System
Display presentation, Wednesday, June 14, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[33.01] Spectroscopy of the CO J=1-0 and J=2-1 Transitions in Comet P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1

R.A. Graham, Jr., M. Womack (Pennsylvania State Univ/Behrend College)

Millimeter-wavelength spectra of the J=1-0 and J=2-1 transitions of CO in P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 (P/SW1) were obtained with the NRAO 12-m telescope during 1994 December 26 - 29. Both lines were detected with line intensities of T$_R^*$ $\sim$ 0.09K (J=1-0) and T$_R^*$ $\sim$ 0.11 K (J=2-1) and linewidths of $\Delta v_{1/2} \sim$ 0.25 km s$^{-1}$. The CO J=1-0 line was searched for on 1995 April 8 using the NRAO 12-m telescope, but not detected down to T$_R^* \sim$ 0.04K, suggesting that the CO production rate may vary significantly over a few months. Column densities and abundances of CO were computed using rotational temperatures calculated from the data and will be presented. The derived column densities and abundances of CO will be compared with published studies of CO$^+$ in P/SW1 and CO in other comets. Implications for comet-forming environments also will be discussed.

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