Multiwavelength Mapping in the Pleiades Region

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Session 35 -- ISM: Abundances and Dust
Display presentation, Wednesday, June 14, 1995, 9:20am - 6:30pm

[35.10] Multiwavelength Mapping in the Pleiades Region

S. J. Gibson, K. H. Nordsieck (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Progress and early results of a multi-wavelength investigation of the extended reflection nebulosity in the vicinity of the Pleiades are discussed. The goals of this study are to constrain the 3-D scattering geometry of the nebula and optical properties of the associated dust grains, including an albedo-independent determination of the phase function form in the ultraviolet. We have mapped a $5^{\rm o} \times 1.7^{\rm o}$ B$_{\rm J}$-band (3600-5200 \AA) mosaic with the Burrell Schmidt telescope, as well as a larger $7^{\rm o} \times 7^{\rm o}$ region in HI 21-cm with the Green Bank 43-m. Several structural correlations are apparent between these data and IRAS 100 $\mu {\rm m}$ surface brightness. Coud\'{e} Feed NaI D-line absorption measurements towards a selection of stars in the 21-cm map field will be used later to extract foreground gas morphologies. Finally, we give a first look at UV imaging polarimetry (1640 \& 2180 \AA) of the Schmidt survey region, taken during the recent flight of WISP (Wide-field Imaging Survey Polarimeter), a sounding rocket payload telescope. WISP is supported by NASA grant NAG5-647.

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